
TCS Puts an End to Hybrid Mode Asks Employees to Attend Office 5 Days a Week

TCS has ended hybrid mode for its employees and has asked them to attend office five days a week starting from 1st October.

Punam Singh
New Update
TCS hybrid mode

The Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has ended hybrid mode for its employees and has asked them to attend office five days a week starting from 1st October.


Currently, the employees working for TCS are enjoying hybrid mode and are attending the office for three days a week. However, the company has decided to make changes in their mode of working to promote team spirit and communication between team members.

Now the company has asked all its employees to attend office with immediate effects from 1st October. Employees will be working from the office for five days a week instead of three days a week under the hybrid mode policy.

TCS has been emphasizing work-from-office policy for a long time now. The company realized the importance of one-on-one interaction, personal connection building among employees, and teamwork among team members. The company believes that the work-from-office mode will allow its employees to learn from each other's behavior, accumulate knowledge, and get introduced to different perspectives of people.


“Without those interactions, employee engagement as well as acculturation got badly impacted. All these factors led us to gradually bring back people to our offices during the year," said the annual report of TCS.

At present times companies and employees are having a tussle between themselves on the matter of working mode. While the companies are more inclined towards work-from-office mode and put an emphasis on its importance for team building, employees, on the other hand, want to work in hybrid or work-from-home mode as it provides them work flexibility.

As the work-from-home culture has gained popularity after the post-pandemic, employees are even ready to quit their jobs in a particular company that is not providing work-from-home or hybrid mode and switch to some other company.


Whereas, companies are concerned about the unavoidable factors crucial for the company's growth but are missing out on them due to a lack of interaction between the company and its employees.
