
Overcoming Obstacles to Healthcare Innovation in India

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Healthcare Innovation in India

Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to technology to improve patient care, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. To put things into perspective, the Indian healthcare industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors. It is predicted to reach $37 billion by 2030, up from $2.7 billion in 2022. Healthcare innovation in India is currently a $30 billion opportunity and is expected to reach as high as $80 billion by 2028. 


Technology holds immense promise in reshaping healthcare, streamlining tasks, analyzing data, predicting outcomes, and ultimately improving patient care. However, many organizations find it challenging to move beyond the demo and proof-of-concept (POC) stages to realize tangible, real-world value.

 The Indian Healthcare Innovation Scaling Problem

There are several challenges to scaling healthcare innovation, especially in India. India is among the few nations that have lower adoption of Electronic Medical records. Only 2.6% of hospitals in India have achieved a Level 6 certification in EMR, which requires physician documentation, full Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS), and closed-loop medication administration.


The challenge is identifying and prioritizing the right use cases. With so many potential applications of technology, it can be daunting to pinpoint those that are most likely to have the greatest impact. Moreover, adopting a pragmatic approach to innovation is crucial as many failed innovation projects stem from inadequate planning or overly optimistic expectations. Lastly, the presence of silos between IT and clinical teams, presents another hurdle, hindering effective collaboration on innovation efforts within healthcare organizations. 

Strategies for scaling healthcare innovation

Healthcare organizations can deploy various strategies to scale healthcare innovation effectively. Firstly, developing a clear strategy for innovation, encompassing goals, objectives, and a timeline for implementation. 


Secondly, investing in the resources and expertise needed to implement innovative solutions. This could entail hiring new staff, training existing staff, and purchasing new equipment. Lastly, fostering a culture of innovation that values experimentation and learning, by encouraging employees to try new things, providing them with the resources they need to succeed, and celebrating their successes.

The collaboration imperative in healthcare innovation

Effective collaboration between IT and clinical teams is paramount for driving successful healthcare innovation. IT teams can provide technical expertise to implement new solutions, while clinical teams can provide insights into patient needs and workflows. Breaking down silos between these teams is vital for seamless collaboration. This can be addressed by creating joint innovation teams, cross-training staff, and establishing clear communication channels.


Technology’s impact on healthcare innovation

Technology has a truly indispensable role in healthcare innovation. Technology is leveraged to automate tasks, analyze data, make predictions, and improve patient outcomes. For instance, artificial intelligence can be used to automate tasks such as scheduling appointments and coding medical records. Moreover, AI can also help analyze vast datasets to identify trends and forecast patient outcomes, thus improving patient care while simultaneously reducing overall costs.

Transcending demos and PoCs


To realize tangible benefits from innovation, healthcare organizations must go beyond demos and proof-of-concepts. This involves crafting a clear yet comprehensive strategy for scaling innovation and investing in the resources and expertise needed to implement innovative solutions, effectively. All of this whilst maintaining a culture of innovation that values experimentation and learning. By embracing these strategies, healthcare organizations can effectively scale healthcare innovation and achieve their strategic goals.

Case studies of successful healthcare innovation

There are instances of numerous healthcare organizations that have effectively scaled healthcare innovation, yielding rather impressive results. For instance, a renowned not-for-profit healthcare system leveraged technology to slash the cost of care by 20%. Similarly, a prominent American academic medical center deployed technology to improve patient safety, achieving a remarkable 50% improvement. Another successful not-for-profit healthcare system has used technology to boost patient satisfaction by 10%. These instances demonstrate the transformative impact of innovative solutions in healthcare. 



Innovation is critical in the healthcare domain for enhancing patient care, reducing costs, and streamlining operations. To thrive in the future, healthcare organizations must prioritize scaling innovation and allocating the resources and expertise needed to implement innovative solutions. By following the outlined strategies, healthcare organizations can move beyond demos and PoCs and achieve real-world value from their innovation initiatives.

Authored by Srinath Rao, Sr. Vice President, CitiusTech
