
Qlik Unveils New AutoML Enhancements with Explainable AI

Qlik's new AutoML enhancements provide transparent AI explainability, empowering businesses to make proactive, data-driven decisions for improved outcomes and trust.

Punam Singh
New Update
Adoption of AI and AI Strategy

Qlik AutoML

In a world where data fuels decisions, trust in AI has become non-negotiable. Qlik, has taken a pivotal step forward by introducing significant enhancements to its AutoML capabilities, designed to help businesses bridge the gap between AI-driven insights and human decision-making. These updates deliver an unprecedented level of model transparency and explainability, allowing organizations to understand, trust, and act upon the insights AI delivers ultimately leading to stronger business outcomes.


Qlik’s latest enhancements empower businesses to shift from reactive problem-solving to proactive, insight-driven strategies, helping them not only navigate but anticipate future challenges and opportunities. With seamless integration into Qlik Cloud, this suite of upgrades optimizes machine learning processes while providing real-time explainability.

 Fostering Trust with Explainable AI

One of the cornerstones of AI's success is trust, and Qlik's AutoML enhancements underscore the importance of explainable AI. As businesses rely more on machine learning to inform decisions, the ability to comprehend and interpret AI predictions is paramount. 


Brendan Grady, General Manager of Qlik’s Analytics Business Unit, emphasized this by saying, "At Qlik, we understand that trust and transparency are critical in AI-driven decision-making. Our latest AutoML enhancements ensure full model explainability, providing our users with the confidence that their AI models are reliable and performing well. These advancements foster trust and translate into more informed strategic decisions, enabling better business outcomes."

This focus on explainability ensures that businesses aren’t just left with a black box of predictions but can actually dissect the how and why behind every insight, enabling them to act with conviction.

 Key Enhancements Elevating AutoML


Qlik’s new AutoML enhancements go beyond traditional AI tools by integrating intelligence and ease of use into the entire machine learning lifecycle. 

Key features designed to empower analytics teams include:

  • Intelligent Model Optimization
  • Native Machine Learning Analytics 
  • Seamless Integration with Qlik Cloud
  • Comprehensive MLOps Capabilities

These features combine to help businesses confidently build, monitor, and adapt machine learning models while maintaining full transparency.

 Transforming Business Operations with AI

In today’s competitive landscape, the ability to move from reactive to proactive decision-making is a game-changer. Qlik’s AutoML enhancements are designed to address this need by allowing businesses to take control of predictive analytics without sacrificing transparency or trust.

Mikkel Hecht Hansen, Head of BI at Nordisk Film, emphasized the critical role that explainability plays in their AI initiatives: “The enhancements Qlik is introducing to AutoML promise to significantly accelerate the value we derive from our AI initiatives. The focus on model explainability will allow us to trust the insights and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence. This transparency is crucial for our business, as it helps us understand the drivers behind the predictions and act proactively, ultimately leading to better business outcomes”, he said.


Qlik is empowering businesses to anticipate trends, optimize operations, and act on insights with confidence by blending model transparency with predictive capabilities. 
