
India’s AI Mission to Pave the Way for Advanced Future

India AI mission aims to position the country as a global AI leader, driving growth, innovation, and societal benefits through strategic policies and collaboration.

Punam Singh
New Update
India AI mission

India's AI mission

India’s AI mission is ambitious and multifaceted. AI is expected to significantly contribute to India’s GDP by enhancing productivity and creating new market opportunities. Sectors like healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, and services are poised to benefit from AI-driven innovations.


With the conclusion of the Global IndiaAI Summit 2024 hosted by India, India’s AI mission has gained significant momentum. The Global IndiaAI Summit was a landmark event, marking a pivotal moment in India’s journey towards becoming a global leader in artificial intelligence.

The summit showcased India’s commitment to leveraging AI for socio-economic development and technological advancement. It facilitated crucial dialogues on creating a comprehensive AI policy framework, and announcements to boost AI research and development by major tech companies while nurturing AI startups.

Discussions around ethical AI use and governance frameworks were a cornerstone of the summit. The importance of creating AI systems that are transparent, accountable, and unbiased was reiterated, with proposals for regulatory mechanisms.


Industry Perspective

India with its AI mission aims to attract international investments and collaborations. The industry perspective on India’s AI mission is also overwhelmingly positive. Industry leaders recognize the potential of AI to drive business transformation and innovation.

Ramprakash Ramamoorthy, Director - AI Research, Zoho Corp shared his perspective with Dataquest “India’s AI mission is a positive step in helping the Indian ecosystem ride the AI wave. It's a strategic approach by the Government of India on advancing AI responsibly by focusing on compute capacity, startup innovation, skill development, and regulatory advancements.


AI will have a force multiplier effect on the economy, akin to the transformative impacts of the internet and smartphones. Combined with cheaper smartphones and faster 5G connectivity, AI can make technology and education accessible to the masses, even reaching the remotest villages in India. This widespread accessibility can drive significant socio-economic advancements.

India faces unique challenges such as the language barrier and digital divide. Companies building AI solutions for India will have to solve these challenges and create models based on sporadic data with reasonable levels of accuracy. Eventually, however, these models can be redeployed globally with even higher accuracy levels, turning the challenge into a bigger opportunity.

Furthermore, India’s young workforce puts the country at an advantage in becoming a global leader in AI. With the right investments in education and infrastructure, this demographic advantage can be leveraged to position India at the forefront of the AI revolution,” he said.

Looking further

India’s AI mission is epitomized by the success of the Global IndiaAI Summit. With clear and consistent regulatory policies and a collaborative ecosystem involving startups, established companies, research institutions, and government bodies, India is poised to harness the transformative power of AI to drive economic growth, societal progress, and global partnership in the AI domain.
