
Cost-cutting or Global Expansion? Google's Layoffs Raise Concerns About Tech Jobs

Google Core teams consist of essential technical units from information technology, such as the Python developer team, technical infrastructure, security foundation

Preeti Anand
New Update
Google Jobs


Google has begun to lay off approximately 200 employees from its "Core" group as part of a restructuring that would include relocating some functions to India and Mexico, suggest reports. This decision is part of a reorganisation effort that involves moving certain activities to India and Mexico. The decision to reduce the Core team reflects Google's plan for adjustments, which aims to optimise its global operations and maximise on cost savings associated with locations abroad.


The search engine giant's action comes after it released its first-quarter earnings report last week. According to Google's website, the core team is responsible for developing the technical underpinnings for the company's major products and preserving customers' online safety. Core teams consist of essential technical units from information technology, such as the Python developer team, technical infrastructure, security foundation, app platforms, core developers, and numerous engineering positions.

According to documents, at least 50 of the positions terminated were in engineering at the company's Sunnyvale, California, locations. According to internal documents from CNBC, many core teams will be employed for equivalent posts in Mexico and India. Last week, Google laid-off workers from its Python, Dart, Flutter, and other departments. The actual amount of job layoffs could not be determined. Google's spokeswoman, Alex García-Kummert, stated that the business prudently invests in its top priorities and prospects. 

Google parent Alphabet has been reducing employment since early last year


Google parent Alphabet has been reducing employment since early last year, when the business revealed plans to cut roughly 12,000 workers, or 6% of its workforce, due to a slowdown in the online ad industry. Even as digital advertising has rebounded in recent quarters, Alphabet has continued to downsize, with layoffs across different organisations this year. Google's parent firm, Alphabet, began a series of layoffs early last year. This campaign arose from the company's information on plans to cut nearly 12,000 positions or roughly 6% of its workforce. The decision was put down to a decline in the Internet advertising business, causing Alphabet to reorganise its operations and spend resources accordingly.

Despite a comeback in digital advertising in recent quarters, Alphabet has continued its reduction efforts. Layoffs have been witnessed throughout various organisational units this year, suggesting the company's continued restructuring approach. These employee cutbacks reflect Alphabet's proactive approach to adapting to changing market conditions and remaining competitive in the digital landscape. While the online advertising sector has shown indications of recovery, Alphabet's strategic repositioning indicates the company's effort to long-term success in a constantly evolving economy.
