
AI: The Next Battleground? Palo Alto Networks Leads the Charge

Palo Alto Networks introduces a new suite of AI security tools to protect businesses from emerging AI-related threats. The Secure AI by Design portfolio provides visibility, control, and protection for AI applications and data.

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 Palo Alto security

Palo Alto Networks has launched its Secure AI by Design portfolio, a suite of solutions designed to protect organizations as they adopt and develop artificial intelligence (AI) applications. The portfolio offers visibility, control, and protection against emerging AI-specific threats.


As businesses increasingly leverage AI and large language models (LLMs), the risk of cyberattacks has grown exponentially. Bad actors are exploiting AI to launch more sophisticated attacks, making it imperative for organizations to prioritize AI security.

Palo Alto Networks' new offerings address this challenge by providing comprehensive protection at every stage of the AI lifecycle. AI Access Security safeguards employee use of generative AI tools, while Prisma Cloud AI Security Posture Management (AI-SPM) identifies vulnerabilities in AI models, applications, and resources. To protect AI applications from runtime threats, AI Runtime Security is now available on Google Cloud, with support for Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure coming later this month.

By adopting the Secure AI by Design portfolio, organizations can confidently harness the power of AI while mitigating risks and ensuring the integrity of their AI security framework.


Key Features of the Secure AI by Design Portfolio:

  • Visibility: Comprehensive monitoring of AI applications, models, and data.
  • Control: Granular control over AI access and usage.
  • Protection: Defense against AI-specific threats and vulnerabilities.

Palo Alto Networks' commitment to AI security underscores the company's leadership in the cybersecurity industry. With the Secure AI by Design portfolio, organizations can confidently embrace the future of AI.
