
AI Adoption Gains Ground in Indian Sales Teams: Report

Salesforce report reveals widespread AI adoption among Indian sales teams. While AI offers benefits, concerns over data security and employee turnover remain.

Aanchal Ghatak
Updated On
New Update
Indian sales teams

A new report by Salesforce reveals that the majority of sales teams in India are embracing artificial intelligence (AI) to boost productivity and personalize customer interactions. However, concerns about data security and customer trust are hindering the full potential of the technology.


According to the State of Sales report, 89% of Indian sales teams are either using or experimenting with AI, with data quality and accuracy being the primary benefit. Despite this rapid adoption, security concerns are the biggest obstacle to AI implementation.

The report also highlights the increasing demands on sales professionals. With customer expectations evolving rapidly, sales reps are struggling to find enough time to connect with customers. While employee turnover rates are declining globally, India still faces a relatively high turnover rate of 34%.

Salesforce emphasizes the importance of balancing technological advancements with building strong customer relationships. By addressing security concerns and fostering trust, the company believes that AI can be a powerful tool for driving sales growth.


Key insights from the research include:

  • AI Adoption Surges, But Trust and Data Gaps Linger: Sales adoption of AI is increasing as teams strive for productivity and personalization. However, concerns regarding integration, security, and customer trust mean the technology’s full potential has yet to be realized.

    • 89% of sales teams in India have fully implemented or are experimenting with AI, with an additional 10% evaluating the technology.
    • The top sales benefit from AI in India is data quality and accuracy.
    • The primary obstacle sales teams in India face while implementing AI is security concerns.
  • Reps Struggle Finding Time to Meet Customer Expectations: Changing customer expectations is the #1 sales challenge worldwide, but it’s challenging to find the time to connect.

    • Sales reps in India spend an average of just 27% of the workweek connecting with customers.
    • 65% of sales professionals in India say changing customer expectations are more of a challenge than last year; only 7% say it’s less of a challenge.
  • Employee Retention Is Rising Globally: As labor markets tighten, sales employees are largely staying put. Globally, teams report an 18% average staff turnover over the last 12 months, down from 25% in 2022. However, employee retention trends vary by region.

    • 34% is the average estimated staff turnover rate in India over the past year.
    • 12% of sales professionals in India are currently looking to change jobs.

Arun Kumar Parmeswaran, Managing Director - Sales, Salesforce India, said, “We are committed to empowering sales teams to navigate the complexities of today's market by utilizing cutting-edge technologies and nurturing trusted customer relationships. Our State of Sales report highlights the essential balance between innovation and trust. With 89% of sales teams in India adopting AI, it's evident that the future of sales is becoming more data-driven and personalized. However, the journey extends beyond mere adoption; addressing security concerns and fostering customer trust are crucial. By concentrating on these aspects, we can fully harness AI's potential to enhance customer interactions and drive sustainable growth.”
