
Affinidi Launches World's First Consent-based Data Sharing Framework

Affinidi's Iota Framework, the world's first consent-based data-sharing framework empowers individuals with control over personal data, enhancing privacy, security, and transparency.

New Update

Affinidi's Iota Framework

Affinidi, a Singapore-based data and identity management company, has unveiled the Affinidi Iota Framework at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress. This cutting-edge framework, built on open standards, introduces a transformative way for individuals to share data by emphasizing explicit consent. It empowers users to selectively share specific data points with a clear understanding of their intended use.


In the conventional digital environment, individuals frequently share sensitive data with third parties without transparency or control, making their data susceptible to misuse, unauthorized access, and breaches. A Twilio report indicates that 60% of Asia Pacific consumers demand consent and communication regarding data usage, while a PwC study highlights a trust gap, with only 30% of consumers trusting businesses. Existing solutions exacerbate these problems by gathering vast amounts of both essential and non-essential data and transferring it to back-end databases, thereby burdening developers with managing large data volumes and associated risks.

The Affinidi Iota Framework revolutionizes this outdated model by pioneering a new era of data privacy and security. It allows developers to request only essential data points directly from individuals with explicit consent, eliminating the need to collect and store non-essential information. This ensures that individuals retain control over their data, reducing storage burdens and minimizing risks related to data collection and potential misuse. Affinidi provides developers with user-friendly templates and robust tools, simplifying the setup of data-sharing processes. With the easy-to-use SDK, developers can quickly navigate the complexities of identity, privacy, and security, enabling them to build innovative solutions in just minutes.

The Affinidi Iota Framework revolutionises data exchange between businesses and individuals by adhering to strict consent-first principles, providing businesses with richer, more accurate data that enhances personalisation, and fosters market innovation and competitiveness. Roopesh Shah, Co-Founder and CTO of Gro Club, India’s first and largest bicycle subscription model that recently adopted Affinidi’s solution for seamless integration, shared, “We began with Affinidi Login to simplify access to individual data through a one-click onboarding process. But with the introduction of the Affinidi Iota Framework, we are thrilled to advance beyond efficient customer onboarding, laying the groundwork for a future where every interaction is precisely tailored to individual preferences based on accurate and consented data.”


Built on Open Standards

The Affinidi Iota Framework utilizes advanced technologies, including the DIF Presentation Exchange (PEX) protocol and the OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP) specifications built on OAuth 2.0, to deliver a robust consent-first solution for data sharing.

DIF Presentation Exchange (PEX) Specification: At the core of the Affinidi Iota Framework is the PEX specification, based on JSONPATH. PEX acts as a standard query language for data exchange, offering powerful filtering capabilities for both simple and complex use cases. By defining data requests with structured syntax, PEX simplifies data sharing, making specific data requests seamless and efficient. The use of standardized schemas ensures that queries are portable, allowing multiple developers and businesses to utilize them without needing to create new ones. This streamlines the data exchange process and enhances interoperability across different systems.


OpenID for Verifiable Presentations (OID4VP) Protocol: Building on the robust OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, the OID4VP protocol provides a secure transport mechanism for Verifiable Presentations. Verifiable Presentations extract specific information from Verifiable Credentials, which are signed digital containers holding personal data (such as an ID or diploma). These presentations, shared as VP Tokens, ensure data authenticity and provenance. This feature enhances data safety by sharing only necessary, verified information, reducing risks of data breaches and fraud. It establishes transitive trust efficiently, maintaining high security and privacy standards within the Affinidi Iota Framework.

Affinidi Trust Development Kit (TDK): The Affinidi TDK, an open-source toolkit, enables developers to build privacy-preserving applications efficiently, aligning with complex and evolving standards. This streamlined solution integrates multiple elements to provide privacy functionalities without requiring workflow overhauls. By bridging Web 2 and Web 3 technologies, the framework leverages decentralized data stored in the Affinidi Vault for just-in-time data acquisition. It offers a range of modules, including clients for identity management, verifiable credential handling, and login configurations, ensuring flexibility and choice for developers. Supporting various programming languages such as TypeScript and Python facilitates seamless integration of Affinidi’s trust services into applications.

How It Works


The Affinidi Vault is a secure personal data store where individuals can safely store their information. Developers need to create an Affinidi Iota Framework configuration to set up the basics required to query data from the Affinidi Vault. Once the configuration is created, developers can integrate the Affinidi Iota Framework into their application using the Affinidi TDK. This setup ensures that data is shared only with the explicit consent of the vault owner, empowering individuals with control over the information they share while enhancing data privacy and security. This process simplifies real-time data acquisition, reduces complexity, and fosters trust and transparency.

Revolutionizing Data Exchange and Ownership

Affinidi is spearheading a global movement to return data ownership to individuals through its Holistic Identity concept, addressing the fragmentation of digital identities across various platforms. The launch of the Affinidi Iota Framework represents a significant stride towards realizing this vision.


"In a world where individuals can control their identity and data, we need to redefine how information is shared. The Affinidi Iota Framework is a major leap forward in safeguarding privacy and consent by shifting information processing to the individual's personal data vault. No longer do we need to trust third parties with sensitive documents like pay slips and bank statements just to open a bank account," said Glenn Gore, Chief Executive Officer of Affinidi.
