
ISRO’s XPoSat Launches Successfully Unlocking Cosmic Secrets

ISRO successfully launched the XPoSat aboard the PSLV-C58 rocket on 1st January 2024, at 09:10 hrs IST marking a historic achievement.

Punam Singh
New Update


The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched the XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite) aboard the PSLV-C58 rocket on 1st January 2024, at 09:10 hrs IST marking a historic achievement. This mission aims to conduct pioneering research in space-based polarization measurements of X-ray emissions from celestial sources.


Details of ISRO XPoSat mission

The PSLV_C58 vehicle flawlessly deployed the XPoSat satellite into an eastward low inclination orbit of 650km with a 6-degree inclination. Following the stage of injection of XPoSat, the PS4 stage will be re-started twice to adjust the orbit to a 350km circular orbit. This particular adjustment is crucial for maintaining the satellite in a 3-axis stabilized mode, which will ultimately facilitate the Orbital Platform (OP) experiments.

The  XPoSat built on the iMS-2 bus platform with a heritage derived from the IRS satellite, also carries two advanced payloads

  • POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays)
  • XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing)

What is the significance of this mission in space exploration?

The XPoSat mission holds immense scientific significance as its primary objectives include:

  • Polarisation measurements: XPoSat is designated to measure the polarization of X-rays through POLIX. It will shed light on the characteristics of celestial sources in the energy range of 8-30 keV. The information collected by it will be crucial for understanding the nature and behavior of cosmic entities.
  • Spectral and temporal studies: The satellite will conduct long-term studies of cosmic X-ray sources in the energy band of 0.8-15 keV through XSPECT. This will provide astronomers with a comprehensive view of the spectral and temporal variations in X-ray emissions, and contribute to our understanding of the dynamic universe.
  • Combined measurements: XPoSat will offer a unique perspective on X-ray emissions from cosmic sources by performing polarization and spectroscopic measurements simultaneously. This comprehensive approach in the common energy band will enhance the ability to analyze and interpret the data, advancing knowledge of the cosmos.


ISRO’s successful launch of XPoSat marks a significant milestone in the history of India’s space exploration endeavors. The mission’s innovative payloads and objectives underscore the nation’s move to advance scientific research and contribute to the understanding of the universe. As XPoSat embarks on its mission, the scientists eagerly anticipate groundbreaking discoveries in the field of X-ray astronomy.
