
From Sci-Fi to Reality: A Conversation on AI's Business Impact

Explore Virtusa Helio, a suite of services designed to help businesses leverage Generative AI (GenAI) for practical applications, an approach to responsible AI adoption, and emerging trends shaping the future of AI in business.

Aanchal Ghatak
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a staple of science fiction, conjuring images of robots and machines surpassing human capabilities. But today, AI is rapidly transforming our world, and its impact is being felt not just in futuristic labs, but in real-world businesses.


Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Ram Meenakshisundaram, the CTO of Virtusa Corporation, to discuss Virtusa Helio, a comprehensive suite designed to help businesses harness the power of GenAI. Get ready to dive into practical applications, responsible AI practices, and the exciting future of AI in various industries. Let's begin!

Can you tell me a bit about what it is and how it helps businesses?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: Absolutely! At Virtusa, we're excited about the potential of Generative AI (GenAI) to revolutionize businesses. That's why we developed Virtusa Helio, a suite of services and tools designed to help companies harness GenAI for practical applications and real-world benefits. We focus on creating solutions that boost productivity, drive innovation, and keep organizations competitive in today's market.


What are some of the key features of Virtusa Helio?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: One of the things we prioritize is ensuring our solutions integrate seamlessly with existing workflows. That's why we have an engineering-first approach. We also take an AI-first approach, so whether you're just beginning your GenAI journey or are already experienced, Virtusa Helio can offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Another key feature is our ecosystem of accelerators. Helio Innovate helps you brainstorm ideas, explore GenAI use cases, and prioritize the ones with the most impact. Helio Build provides tools to accelerate greenfield development using GenAI. Helio Enhance helps you leverage GenAI to modernize legacy systems and optimize workflows. Finally, Helio Operate integrates GenAI with AIOps to establish intelligent operations with automated processes for even greater efficiency.


We also have a team of over 200 AI architects and 1100+ GenAI engineers with expertise in neural networks, deep learning, prompt engineering, and fine tuning. They provide expert guidance throughout your GenAI journey, ensuring you get the most out of Virtusa Helio.

How do you envision it impacting businesses across various sectors? Can you share some success stories to illustrate its effectiveness?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: Absolutely! Virtusa Helio is designed to empower businesses across industries with the power of Generative AI (GenAI). Here's how it benefits organizations:

  • Automation: Helio automates routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic endeavors.
  • Data-driven insights: AI helps analyze vast datasets, leading to informed decision-making.
  • Streamlined operations: AI-enabled workflows optimize processes across functions, boosting agility and scalability.

Virtusa supports this with strategic guidance, solution development, and ongoing assurance. Here are a few examples of Helio's success:

  1. Warehouse Management Optimization: A company used Helio's GenAI-powered drone system to identify damaged items and automate re-boxing requests. This resulted in 30x faster scanning and 80% accuracy in damage identification, significantly reducing costs and improving efficiency.

  2. Enhancing Case Management: A global insurance organization used Helio to automate email summarization and action item identification, reducing case research time by over 80% and increasing agent productivity.

  3. Project Management Assistance: A professional organization used Helio's GenAI assistant to access information, generate documents, and receive recommendations. This achieved a 99.4% accuracy rate, increased efficiency by 60%, and reduced manual efforts by 70-80%.


These are just a few examples of how Virtusa Helio helps businesses leverage AI for real-world benefits.

How does Helio cater to the specific needs of different industries?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: Helio's suite of GenAI services and tools is designed to be adaptable. Here are some industry-specific examples:

  • Banking and Financial Services: Helio delivers solutions for financial advisory, KYC processes, fraud detection, and more.
  • Healthcare and Life Sciences: Helio automates medical imaging analysis, clinical trial monitoring, and personalizes healthcare communications.
  • Insurance: Helio automates claim adjudication and processing, enhancing speed and accuracy.
  • Telecommunications: Helio aids in predictive maintenance and network optimization, improving service reliability.
  • Media and Telecom: Helio supports content creation, network optimization, and personalized recommendations.
  • Retail and Manufacturing: Helio optimizes inventory management, supply chains, marketing, product recommendations, and quality control.

We have successful implementations across various sectors, demonstrating Helio's tangible benefits.

Now, according to a report, 59% of Indian enterprises are actively using AI. What's driving this high adoption rate, and what challenges do they face?


Ram Meenakshisundaram: India's AI adoption is driven by factors like:

  • Government support: Initiatives like the India AI Mission provide funding and foster workforce skills.
  • Enhanced IT infrastructure: Advancements facilitate AI deployment across industries.

However, challenges remain:

  • Infrastructure and connectivity: Concerns exist regarding reliable infrastructure and connectivity.
  • Data quality and availability: Ensuring access to high-quality data remains crucial.
  • Ethical and regulatory concerns: Businesses need to navigate ethical and regulatory considerations.
  • Cultural and organizational resistance: Shifting mindsets and overcoming resistance within organizations is important.
  • Education and awareness: Upskilling the workforce is essential for successful AI adoption.

Virtusa Helio addresses these challenges through its comprehensive approach, offering advanced software solutions designed for efficient GenAI adoption.

What's your perspective on the AI market size and growth potential in India, and how significant is this market for Virtusa?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: India's AI market is projected to reach $17 billion by 2027. This growth is fueled by advancements in AI platforms, automation tools, and sector-specific applications. India's diverse landscape and dynamic economy create an ideal environment for AI innovation.

From Virtusa's perspective, India's thriving AI market represents a compelling opportunity. We offer tailored consulting services and GenAI solutions to address the specific needs of Indian enterprises. Expanding our presence in India's AI ecosystem reaffirms our commitment as a leading technology partner and employer in AI innovation.

Can you elaborate on your AI Leadership Training and AI Solution Training programs? How do these initiatives align with the growing demand for AI skills in the market?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: Absolutely! Virtusa recognizes the critical role a skilled workforce plays in successful AI adoption. That's why we offer a comprehensive suite of training programs designed to equip our employees with the latest AI and Generative AI expertise. Here's a breakdown of our key programs:

Building a Strong Foundation:

  • Online Courses and Certifications: We leverage top e-learning platforms to provide access to in-demand AI, machine learning, and data science courses and certifications. This ensures our employees stay current with the latest advancements in the field.
  • Custom-Designed Training Modules: We partner with industry experts and leading AI learning portals to develop practical training modules focused on real-world AI and Generative AI applications.

Deepening Expertise:

  • Workshops and Bootcamps: Our Learning Team organizes intensive sessions led by internal and external experts, offering hands-on experience in a range of AI topics, from basic concepts to advanced techniques.

Mentorship and Growth:

  • Mentorship Program: Experienced AI professionals provide one-on-one coaching to junior employees, helping them translate theory into practice and navigate career development within the AI landscape.

Fostering Innovation:

  • Hackathons and Innovation Challenges: We regularly hold these events to encourage experimentation with new technologies and development of innovative AI solutions. This fosters a culture of continuous learning and creativity.

Centers of Excellence:

  • AI Centers of Excellence (CoE): These dedicated units focus on developing best practices, researching emerging AI technologies, and disseminating knowledge across the organization. They also provide specialized training programs tailored to different business units, facilitating collaborative projects across departments.

Tailored Learning:

  • Customized Training Tracks: We offer customizable training tracks based on specific project requirements. Employees can choose from a variety of Generative AI courses to achieve their learning goals, ensuring a personalized learning experience.

Investing in the Future:

  • Learning Technologies: We invest in cutting-edge learning technologies like AI-driven learning management systems, virtual labs, and simulation tools to provide a rich and interactive learning experience.

Additional Initiatives:

  • Thrive Academy and Emeritus Partnership: This flagship initiative provides upskilling programs for our global leaders, covering technical and leadership skills in AI. Over 800 Virtusa leaders have sharpened their skills in leveraging AI for growth and innovation across various sectors.
  • AI Leadership and Solution Training: In collaboration with IIT Madras, we've trained over 200 Virtusa architects on a broad spectrum of AI techniques, including neural networks, deep learning, and generative AI models. Additionally, around 1,100 engineers have undergone Generative AI training, focusing on LLM usage, prompt engineering, and ensuring the quality of generative AI solutions.
  • Google Cloud and Campus Hiring Partnership: We've partnered with Google Cloud to develop a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for campus hiring in India and Sri Lanka. Through partnerships with colleges, we create tailored programs and internship opportunities, preparing students for the future of AI.

By equipping our workforce with the latest AI skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning, Virtusa ensures we stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional value to our clients in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

This comprehensive training approach directly addresses the market's growing demand for AI expertise. By building a skilled workforce, Virtusa positions itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to leverage AI for competitive advantage.

What advice can you offer them to ensure success in an AI-driven market?

Ram Meenakshisundaram: Absolutely! AI adoption can be tailored to specific organizational and industry needs. Here are some key steps to consider:

Building the Foundation:

  1. Leadership Buy-in: Start by equipping your leadership team with the knowledge and skills to understand the building blocks of AI and its potential business applications. The focus should be on using AI to solve specific business problems and selecting impactful use cases. Don't forget to consider how AI can also help defend your existing market position.

  2. Proof of Concept and Pilot Programs: Once you've identified potential use cases, run pilot programs to test their feasibility. Ensure these pilots consider real-world implementation factors like data security, accuracy, cost, and responsible use.

  3. Developing a Roadmap: Use learnings from pilot programs to create a clear roadmap aligning AI adoption with your strategic objectives. Each step should contribute meaningfully to your business transformation goals.

    Collaboration is Key:

    Partner Up: Collaborate with trusted partners who can provide industry-specific insights on AI implementation. This helps set realistic goals and develop customized solutions, equipping your organization with the tools and knowledge to harness AI's full potential in the long run.

    Data Quality Matters: Pilot programs will likely highlight the importance of data quality. Be prepared to address data transformation needs, but avoid overwhelming efforts. Focus on data improvements specific to enabling the chosen use case. Remember, generative AI often requires processing large amounts of unstructured data, which may be a new challenge for some organizations. Invest in building skills and expertise in this area.
