
Data Privacy and Safe AI: UiPath on Responsible AI Practices in India

AI and automation won't steal all the jobs, experts say. New ones will appear requiring new skills, and existing jobs will change to focus on creative problem solving and managing AI tools.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update
safe AI

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has sent shivers down the spines of many workers, with fears of mass unemployment dominating the conversation. Experts are now painting a more optimistic picture, suggesting that AI might actually be the key to unlocking a treasure chest of new opportunities.


Mark Geene, Senior VP and General Manager, Product; and Prashant Momaya, Senior Director of Sales Engineering, UiPath, shares the current and future landscape of AI and automation, how these technologies are uniquely impacting various industries in India, and discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with adopting AI and automation. Excerpts from an interview: 

How do you see the current landscape of AI and automation evolving over the next five years, and what are the main drivers of this evolution?

Mark: AI automation, particularly with large language models and foundation models, is opening up new use cases. Previously, automation was limited to repeatable processes like Accounts Payable workflows or employee onboarding. Generative AI now allows for more ad hoc processes that don’t have to be repetitive. For instance, sales and marketing have been early adopters, with AI handling not just basic tasks but entire processes. This shift allows automation of unstructured tasks and documents that can now be understood and orchestrated electronically.


Can you provide examples of how AI and automation are being uniquely applied in Indian industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, or finance?

Mark: Absolutely. In healthcare, for example, we’re working with insurance providers to automate health care insurance claims and document processing. This includes extracting information from unstructured documents like patient medical records. In logistics, AI helps process bills of lading with high variability, combining specialized AI models with generative automation. Also, Omega Healthcare, an AI award winner, automates claims processing. Generative AI has been crucial in creating new processes, such as warranties, using our product to deliver these capabilities in conjunction with robots.

Prashant: We have many customers in document processing, particularly with invoices and receipts. For instance, steel manufacturers like DSW and Nippon Steel handle vast amounts of documents daily. Automating these processes reduces backlog and frees up capacity for decision-making around exceptions.


What are the main challenges Indian enterprises face when adopting AI and automation technologies, and how can they overcome these challenges?

Mark: Data privacy is a significant concern. Ensuring data isn't retained or used to train models is crucial. Many Indian companies process data for global clients, so adhering to privacy practices is essential. Digital transformation itself is challenging, requiring visionary leadership to reimagine business processes. Additionally, integrating AI into operational systems requires coordination between applications, data, and human review processes.

Prashant: Challenges are consistent worldwide. Successful project orchestration requires expertise and skills, which can be a challenge. It's crucial to have the right people on board to ensure program success.


How do large language models influence business processes and decision-making? What are some specific examples of their applications within UiPath?

Mark: Large language models speed up the understanding of documents and communications within automations. For example, our specialized models, DocPATH and CommPATH, are tailored for understanding semi-structured documents and unstructured communications, respectively. These models reduce the time required to train and automate processes significantly. Additionally, our Autopilot feature uses conversational experiences to create automations, reducing the time to develop new automations by up to 80%.

How does the regulatory environment in India affect the adoption of these models, and what steps is UiPath taking to ensure safe AI practices?


Mark: We anticipated the need for responsible AI practices and introduced the AI Trust Layer. This ensures zero data retention, PII filtering, and provides auditability for AI usage. We also ensure that models do not create bias, adhering to responsible AI guidelines.

Prashant: We also have data centers in India to maintain data sovereignty. Additionally, we have partnerships, like with the Government of India’s 'Bhashini' for language translation, using UiPath to help accelerate translations across numerous Indian languages.

What is the market potential for AI technologies in India compared to other regions? What makes India a unique market for these technologies?


Mark: India is a leading technology hub with significant software development and engineering activities. The productivity gains from AI, especially in development and test automation, are substantial. Additionally, India's diverse economy offers numerous opportunities for AI to reimagine processes across various industries.

Prashant: Our development center in India is the largest outside of Romania. The fast-growing Indian economy, with significant investments from both public and private sectors, offers tremendous opportunities. For example, AI can address challenges like translating millions of documents and making vast amounts of historical government data searchable and usable.

How do you address concerns about AI and automation leading to job losses in India and elsewhere?


Mark: While AI may shift roles, it also creates new opportunities. Automation allows for more complex problems to be solved, increasing demand for skilled workers. Reskilling is essential, and the ability to engineer prompts and guide AI will be valuable skills. AI can drive economic growth, leading to new business opportunities and roles that we can't even imagine today.

Are there any specific industries in India where UiPath solutions have seen particularly strong adoption?

Prashant: Yes, we have seen particularly strong adoption in several industries in India. For example, we are quite strong in the healthcare sector, financial services, and manufacturing. These industries often have significant needs for processing large volumes of documents and communications, which makes them ideal candidates for our solutions. Large customers in banking, steel, and healthcare are particularly notable. Our involvement in these sectors often extends to deeply integrating with their strategic processes.

How are customers responding to the integration of AI within UiPath solutions?

Prashant: Customers are responding very positively to the integration of AI within our solutions. AI provides a crucial layer of understanding and insight for organizations. It helps in understanding the environment and aids in decision-making. For instance, if a customer sends an email asking about the status of an order, AI can understand the content of the email, identify the order number, and discern the customer's intent. UiPath robots can then take this information, execute the necessary actions, and respond accordingly. Essentially, AI offers the insight, and UiPath enables the action and execution based on that insight, making it a natural and powerful combination.

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