
Intellect SEEC launches Intellect Lead Closer, an app for advisors

New Update

Intellect SEEC, the insurance software division of Intellect Design Arena, will be launching Intellect Lead Closer, an insurance-specific CRM for advisors to increase their customer conversion rates by improving the quality of leads. The app will be officially launched at Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) 2016 on 12th June. MDRT is a global, independent association of more than 43,000 of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals. This powerful app enables advisors to efficiently create and manage their portfolio, relationships and daily activities.


At its core, Intellect Lead Closer understands that building long-term relationships is the key to profitability for advisors. With its smart lead import feature combined with interactive dashboards, the app allows advisors to manage all their leads in one place. Users of the app can define the way they work by prioritizing customer activities.

Lead Closer allows the advisors to gather and store insurance-specific information such as household and financial details related to the customer. This enables them to recommend the right product to the right customer. Packed with device-friendly productivity tools such as activity tracker, alerts, calendar, notes and more, the app functions as a digital sales assistant for advisors while they focus on customer relationships.

While some advisors rely on the systems of insurance carriers, others largely manage their leads using different applications such as Excel, Outlook and generic CRM tools. This drops the effectiveness of the advisor from truly understanding the lead stage and prevents them from getting a quick summary of their book of business across varied sources without cumbersome aggregation tasks.


Commenting on the product, Pranav Pasricha, CEO, Intellect SEEC, Intellect Design Arena, said, “There are plenty of CRMs in the market. However, insurance advisors need a CRM that is built with their needs in mind and is home-grown in the very industry. We have leveraged our two-decade long experience in the industry and developed Intellect Lead Closer as a direct-to-customer (D2C) app. Advisors are a key to closing the gap perceived in service experience offered across the insurance lifecycle. They need to be empowered with the right tools of the trade, starting with a CRM that understands how insurance is sold and bought.” The app for tablets is now available on Google Play and App Store.

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