Akamai Technologies today released its Fourth Quarter, 2014 State of the Internet Report. As per the report, with average connection speed of 2.0 Mbps, India ranked second-last in the APAC region, ahead only of Indonesia (1.9 Mbps). India had its peak speed at 14.5 Mbps, as against global average peak connection speed of 26.9 Mbps.
According to the report findings, India had its peak speed at 14.5 Mbps and the average connection speed was 2.0 Mbps, with a growth of 2.1% quarter-over-quarter and 28% year-on-year. Globally, average peak connection speed increased 8.4% to 26.9 Mbps with South Korea leading at 22.2 Mbps
The report said that India accounted for 2.4% of global attacking traffic and was in the 7th position for attack traffic originating by IP source. China, United States accounted for more than half of all observed attack traffic. China once again remained well ahead of the other countries/regions (41%), originating more than three times the observed attack traffic from the U.S. (13%), which saw an approximate 20% quarter-over-quarter decline, back down to second quarter levels. China and the U.S. were again the only two countries to originate more than 10% of observed traffic during the fourth quarter. India was the only remaining top 10 country to see observed traffic percentages decline, dropping slightly from 2.9% in the third quarter to 2.4%.
As per the report, India currently had around 18 million unique IPv4 addresses. The report also finds that 7.8% of the Internet connections in India had 4 Mbps speed or more, and 1.1% of the Internet connections in India had 10 Mbps or more.