
HybridNxT from 3i Infotech to Help Enterprises in their Digital Transformation

New Update
Digital transformation

3i Infotech, the Information Technology company, will help enterprises take the first step towards digital transformation by adopting Hybrid Cloud, through the Company’s solution offering HybridNxT. The company has positioned itself as a digital engineering partner of choice for enterprises, who are at the crux of major business transformation; in an industry where 60% of every customer’s business will be on the cloud by 2020 and more than 90% by 2025. The company will also continue to invest heavily in the areas of TaaS, DevOps, Agile, and CT (Continuous Testing framework) to meet the demands of enterprises.


Mobility, together with new-age technologies like IoT, AR/VR etc., are an imperative part of digital transformation, and 3i Infotech’s offerings will also cater to all levels of the mobility maturity curve, covering Consulting, Design & Development, Data Testing, Support, Data Intelligence & Co-Innovation.

Mohua Sengupta, EVP and Global Head of Services said, “Business is ever so complex and largely fragmented which makes digitisation the future of business. Our digital frameworks are optimized to deliver the much-needed core transformation in businesses. Based on a curated technology stack, the solutions enable easy technology adoption and are effortlessly scalable. They echo our philosophy to ‘Simplify The New’.”

To make the journey on the cloud seamless for enterprises, the company will also provide enterprises an interactive framework - ‘CReAT - Cloud Readiness Assessment for Transformation, which is based on financial savings, responsiveness, business impact and compliance which will helps customers to take decision on their cloud journey. It will help prioritise which workloads to migrate, as well as decide which applications to re-architect or re-engineer with minimum resources and maximum benefit to business.


“It’s heartening to know that competent quality engineering experts and partnerships with leading test automation and DevOps tool vendors put 3i Infotech in a very strong position to meet the expectations of modern day businesses”, she further added.

cloud iot devops ar vr hybridnxt