
Google Demonstrates “Genesis” AI Tool to Write News Articles

Google has demonstrated a new AI tool capable of writing news articles. Company says it will work as an assistant for journalists.

New Update
Google Bard

Genesis yet another AI tool has been demonstrated by Google. The new AI tool Genesis will have the capability to write news articles. Google has a vision to assist news publishers by providing potential AI-enabled tools to help journalists with their work. It believes that AI-enabled tools will assist journalists with options for headlines, their writing styles, etc.


“Our goal is to give journalists the choice of using these emerging technologies in a way that enhances their work and productivity, just like we're making assistive tools available for people in Gmail and in Google Docs”, says Google in its blog post.

Jenn Crider, a Google spokeswoman, said in a statement to the New York Times  that “in partnership with news publishers, especially smaller publishers, we’re in the earliest stages of exploring ideas to potentially provide A.I.-enabled tools to help their journalists with their work.”

She also added, “Quite simply these tools are not intended to, and cannot, replace the essential role journalists have in reporting, creating, and fact-checking their articles”.


Google believes Genesis could potentially be able to serve as a journalist's personal assistant. With the use of this generative AI technology, they may be given additional time to focus on other obligations by automating some of their present tasks.Google sees this as an ethical and responsible tool that could safeguard the publishing sector from generative AI challenges. Although the people who demonstrated the tool, hold a different opinion about it.

While Google has historically served as a curator of information, directing users to publishers' websites to read more, technologies like its chatbot, Bard, provide factual assertions that can occasionally be erroneous and do not direct users to more reliable sources, such as news publishers.

The new AI tool has raised levels of anxiety among journalists and news publishers who have been serving in this field for years and crafting news articles. This generative AI may come up with potential threats as it can cater to misleading and inaccurate information if not checked properly. It will not only affect the traditional method of new reporting but also spread misinformation to the masses.
