
Greenovation: Building a Circular and Regenerative World

Sachidanand Upadhyay, Hasit Kaji, and other industry leaders share insights into the most promising developments in these fields and the challenges we face in accelerating their adoption.

Aanchal Ghatak
New Update

This article examines how renewable energy, circular economy, and smart city initiatives are emerging as powerful tools to address these challenges and create a sustainable future for generations to come. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are at the forefront of this shift, each contributing to a more sustainable and efficient energy future. Sachidanand Upadhyay, Hasit Kaji, and other industry leaders share insights into the most promising developments in these fields and the challenges we face in accelerating their adoption.


The imperative for sustainable solutions has never been more urgent. As the world grapples with climate change, resource depletion, and urban challenges, innovation emerges as a powerful catalyst for transformation. The convergence of renewable energy, circular economy, and smart city concepts is shaping a new era of sustainability, with profound implications for industries and societies alike.

Rewiring the Planet

The renewable energy sector is experiencing a renaissance, driven by technological advancements and a growing global commitment to decarbonization. As Sachidanand Upadhyay, MD of Lord’s Mark Industries Limited, emphasizes, “The energy landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation.” Innovations like perovskite solar cells, bifacial panels, and concentrated solar power fuel the sector’s rapid growth. Wind power, too, is experiencing a resurgence, with larger turbine blades, improved aerodynamics, and offshore wind farms expanding its potential.



Value creation from data generated from a solar or wind plant is a result of influencing outcomes as measured by solar yield optimization through predictive maintenance of assets. - Hasit Kaji, Independent Advisor, Former CDIO, Tata Power

Hydropower, a mature technology, is undergoing a revival with a focus on small-scale, low-impact projects. Additionally, marine energy is emerging as a promising, albeit nascent, source of renewable electricity.


Circular Economy: Closing the Loop on Waste

The circular economy, a systemic approach to resource management, is gaining momentum as a response to the mounting waste crisis. “By leveraging data to optimize asset performance and predict energy output, we can significantly enhance the efficiency and profitability of these projects,” emphasizes Hasit Kaji, independent advisor and former CDIO of Tata Power. Data analytics is indeed a cornerstone of a circular economy, enabling better decision-making and resource optimization.

Advanced recycling technologies, such as chemical recycling, are transforming waste into valuable resources. Digital product passports, offering a comprehensive record of a product’s lifecycle, are crucial for facilitating repair, reuse, and recycling. Industrial symbiosis, where waste from one industry becomes a resource for another, is another key principle of the circular economy.


“IoT and drones can enhance site surveillance, while digital twins can optimize generation and efficiency. Gen AI can streamline maintenance processes and tender responses. Blockchain technology holds the potential for peer-to-peer energy trading, particularly for excess rooftop solar generation.” he adds.

Sectors like railways can contribute to a circular economy by recycling materials from old trains and adopting sustainable practices in maintenance and operations. Additionally, smart technologies can be implemented for efficient train operations, energy management, and passenger services.

Smart Cities: Building Sustainable Urban Centers


Smart cities are redefining urban living by integrating technology to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life. “Real-time data on traffic, energy consumption, and environmental conditions enable optimized resource management and improved decision-making,” explains an industry expert. IoT-enabled sensors and data analytics are transforming urban management, from traffic optimization to energy efficiency.

Green buildings, incorporating renewable energy, energy-efficient design, and smart building management systems, are essential components of sustainable cities. Electric vehicles, public transportation, and shared mobility services are reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.

Solar Power Advancements


The solar power sector is experiencing a surge in innovation, making it more efficient and cost-effective than ever before. Key advancements include:

1.           Perovskite Solar Cells: These cells are known for their high efficiency and lower production costs compared to traditional silicon-based cells.

2.           Bifacial Panels: These panels can capture sunlight on both sides, significantly increasing energy output.


3.           Enhanced Energy Storage: Improved battery technologies are enabling better storage of solar energy, ensuring a stable supply even when the sun isn’t shining.

Lord’s Mark Industries is pioneering projects that leverage these advancements. Sachidanand Upadhyay highlights, “In India, Lord’s Mark Industries is advancing this vision by securing a project to set up 50 MW of grid-connected rooftop solar projects in Uttar Pradesh, contributing to the country’s net-zero emissions target by 2070.” He adds, “Besides, we are pleased to get the opportunity to install more than 5000 smart solar street lighting in phases at Ayodhya. As per the contract, Lord’s Mark Industries will manage the designing, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of LED-based smart solar street lights with LiFePO4 battery including 5-year comprehensive warranty along with operations and maintenance.”


Zonal railways and production units have taken initiatives regarding solid waste management and waste processing methods such as segregation and recycling of waste biasing methods like 5s concept like seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shirsuke and accepting Japanese methods of lean manufacturing like JIT, SMED. - Anil Kumar Gahlot, Retd. Senior Section Engineer, NWR

Wind Power Innovations

Wind power technology is also making significant strides, particularly in the following areas:

1.           Offshore Wind Turbines: These are becoming more efficient and cost-effective, with floating technology allowing installations in deeper waters with stronger winds.

2.           Large-Diameter Turbines: Extended blades capture more energy, reducing costs.

3.           Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWTs): Useful in urban settings, these turbines capture wind from any direction.

4.           Lightweight Materials: Using carbon fiber enhances turbine durability and reduces maintenance costs.

Hydroelectric Power Developments

Hydroelectric power, a long-standing pillar of renewable energy, is also evolving:

1.           Small Modular Hydropower Systems: Designed for low-impact, small-scale production, these systems minimize environmental disruption.

2.           Pumped Storage Hydropower (PSH): Acts as large-scale batteries, improving grid stability and energy storage.

3.           Hydrokinetic and Tidal Power: These technologies capture energy from flowing water and tides, providing alternatives to traditional dams.

4.           Fish-Friendly Turbines: New designs reduce impacts on aquatic life, enhancing the sustainability of hydroelectric power.

Accelerating Renewable Energy Adoption

To achieve a sustainable future, accelerating the adoption of renewable energy sources is crucial. Key strategies include:

1.           Increased Investment: Funding clean energy projects and research to drive down costs and spur innovation.

2.           Infrastructure Upgrades: Modernizing energy systems to integrate renewable sources smoothly.

3.           Supportive Policies: Implementing subsidies, tax credits, and other incentives to encourage adoption.

4.           Collaboration: Fostering partnerships between governments, businesses, and communities to share resources and expertise.

5.           Awareness and Training: Educating the public and providing training on renewable technologies to build the necessary skills.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite the advancements, several challenges hinder the widespread implementation of renewable energy technologies:

1.           High Initial Costs: Installation and infrastructure expenses can be prohibitive.

2.           Intermittency Issues: Solar and wind sources are variable, requiring reliable storage solutions.

3.           Grid Integration: Existing energy grids often need upgrades to handle renewable energy sources.

4.           Regulatory Hurdles: Inconsistent or outdated regulations can slow progress.

5.           Environmental and Land Use Concerns: Addressing the impact on ecosystems and land use is crucial.

6.           Market Uncertainty: Rapid technological changes and market fluctuations can create uncertainty for investors and developers.

The Interconnectedness of Sustainability

The four pillars of sustainable innovation—renewable energy, circular economy, smart cities, and sustainable transportation—are interconnected. As Samit Banerjee, Division President of Amdocs, points out, “Our cloud-based solutions help businesses reduce their carbon footprint by optimizing resource utilization.” Technology, in the form of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, is a powerful enabler of these interconnected systems.


Amdocs solutions are designed to modernize, automate, and digitize our customers’ businesses, making them more efficient, less reliant on physical hardware and able to scale supporting system environments up and down in real-time to prevent wasting resources. - Samit Banerjee, Division President, Cloud Operations Services & Head of Customer Service Unit, Amdocs

The transition to a sustainable future requires a holistic approach that integrates these elements. For instance, renewable energy powers smart cities, while smart cities generate data that can optimize renewable energy systems. Both contribute to a circular economy by reducing waste and resource consumption. The railway sector can play a vital role in this ecosystem by adopting sustainable practices and integrating with the broader sustainable infrastructure.

“Product sustainability and accessibility are embedded in our research and development approach and products development. Starting from environmental benefits, providing governance improvement opportunities, and leading to digital inclusion touch points are some of the case studies in this field.” Banerjee iterates.

“The energy landscape is undergoing a remarkable transformation,” reiterates Upadhyay. “Each of these advancements is a step toward a more sustainable and efficient energy future, reflecting a collective push towards cleaner energy solutions.”

To realize the full potential of these innovations, collaboration among governments, businesses, and communities is essential. By investing in research and development, creating supportive policies, and fostering public awareness, we can accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.

Integrating Railways’ Sustainability Efforts into the Renewable Energy Discussion

The insights provided by Anil Kumar Gahlot, Retd. Senior Section Engineer, NWR, offers a valuable perspective on the Indian Railways’ commitment to sustainability. The railway sector, as a significant energy consumer, is making substantial strides in reducing its environmental footprint.

Railways: A Pillar of Sustainable Mobility

The Indian Railways is actively addressing challenges related to solid waste management, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Their initiatives align with the broader goals of the renewable energy sector.

Solid Waste Management: The adoption of the 5S concept and bio-toilet technology demonstrates the railway’s proactive approach to waste reduction and treatment. These practices not only improve cleanliness but also contribute to resource conservation.

Noise Pollution Mitigation: By implementing noise barriers, dampers, and track maintenance, the railways are working diligently to reduce noise pollution, enhancing the passenger experience and minimizing environmental impact.


We are pleased to get the opportunity to install more than 5000 smart solar street lighting in phases at Ayodhya. As per the contract, Lord’s Mark Industries will manage designing, supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of LED-based smart solar street lights with LiFePO4 battery including 5-year comprehensive warranty along with operations and maintenance. - Sachidanand Upadhyay, MD, Lord’s Mark Industries Limited

Greenhouse Gas Reduction: The transition to electric locomotives and the focus on freight transportation are crucial steps in decarbonizing the railway sector. The introduction of hydrogen-powered trains signifies a forward-looking approach to achieving zero emissions.

Energy Efficiency: The use of regenerative braking, LED lighting, and optimized energy management systems underscores the railway’s commitment to reducing energy consumption.

Synergies Between Railways and

Renewable Energy

The railway sector can further enhance its sustainability profile by exploring opportunities to integrate renewable energy sources.

Solar Power: Installing solar panels on railway stations, workshops, and other infrastructure can generate clean electricity, reducing reliance on the grid.

Wind Power: Analyzing wind resources along railway lines could identify potential sites for wind farms, contributing to the railway’s energy mix.

The urgency for sustainable solutions is at an all-time high as climate change and resource depletion threaten global stability. Innovations in renewable energy, circular economy practices, and smart city technologies are driving significant advancements.

Energy Storage: The railways can leverage their infrastructure to deploy energy storage systems, such as battery banks or pumped hydro storage, to support grid stability and optimize energy consumption.

A Comprehensive Approach to Sustainability

The combined efforts of the renewable energy sector and the railways can accelerate India’s transition to a low-carbon economy. By sharing best practices, collaborating on research and development, and exploring joint projects, these two sectors can create a more sustainable and resilient future.

“Railways has introduced Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) based 3 - phase electric locomotives and emu or memu with regenerative braking which means to regenerate energy possessed by the train during costing of the train thus supplying it back to OHE wires,” he explains.

The advancements in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, along with sustainable practices in other sectors like railways, are paving the way for a cleaner and more efficient energy future. By addressing challenges and accelerating adoption through strategic investments, policy support, and collaboration, we can achieve a sustainable energy landscape that benefits both the environment and society.
