Sudhir Nair and Suri Chawla spoke to Dataquest along the sidelines of the launch of Tech Mahindra’s new offering Cloud BlazeTech
Tech Mahindra announced the launch of Cloud BlazeTech, an integrated, sector-agnostic platform, to maximize business value for cloud-powered enterprises globally. The organization will continue to invest in cloud services and hyerpscaler relationships to boost digital transformation for enterprises.
Integrated cloud migration, cloud-native operation & self-healing governance model, "Cloud BlazeTech" supports bi-modal infrastructure transformation and helps enterprises to accelerate to a cloud-native world. In addition, the platform has integrations with hyperscaler hybrid cloud platforms to provide industry-specific pre-build cloud-native solutions that drive faster business outcomes. By adopting the Cloud BlazeTech platform, enterprises will achieve 25-30% cost savings and a 30% improvement in migration time.
Sudhir Nair, chief delivery officer and Global Head – Infra & Cloud Business, Tech Mahindra, said: “Cloud adoption is a key step towards digital transformation. It is at the core of all transformative IT strategies and enables enterprises to become digital ready. Tech Mahindra’s Cloud BlazeTech platform will deliver industry-specific pre-build cloud-native solutions and help enterprises in their transformation journey to be cloud-ready. With this launch, we look forward to empowering every organization to be a digital organization, driving business outcomes, providing speed and scale to innovate from anywhere with cloud-based industry solutions, operation and governance, and innovation.”
Suri Chawla, Global Head of Cloud Services, Tech Mahindra, said, "In today's hyper-connected world, harnessing the power of the cloud has become a must-have element for businesses globally. In recent years, companies have realized the power of the cloud for business agility, innovation, improved customer experience, and the numerous opportunities cloud capabilities offer. To meet this growing need for Cloud tech and further our goal of providing best-in-class digital solutions, we have launched Cloud BlazeTech. Our platform will enable enterprises to move forward in their cloud transformation journey by offering a flexible and customizable solution to help them become digital front-runners in this new cloud-native era."
Sudhir Nair and Suri Chawla spoke to Dataquest along the sidelines of the launch. The spokespersons addressed a number of questions on where cloud as a business figures for Tech Mahindra in their list of priorities, the key industries that are leading as far as cloud adoption in India is concerned, the impact that the advent of new age technologies have on cloud, and the impact of these trends on the talent ecosystem.