
Metaverse Slowdown: The Impact of Immersive Education on the Future

Explore the future of immersive education with experts Aditi Jain and Saurav Bhaik in a panel discussion moderated by Ashok Pandey. Discover how AR, VR, and MR are revolutionizing learning and HR practices.

Manisha Sharma
New Update
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In a recent panel discussion titled: Despite Metaverse slowdown, is immersive education the future, moderated by Ashok Pandey, Associate Editor at PCQuest, industry experts Aditi Jain and Saurav Bhaik delved into the evolving landscape of immersive education. Aditi Jain, Senior Director of Global CoE OD & HR Strategy at Visionet, and Saurav Bhaik, Founder & CEO of Tagbin & Stylin, shared insights on the potential and challenges of using technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) in education.


The Future of Immersive Learning in Education

Aditi Jain initiated the discussion by speaking about The evolution of technology, particularly in augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and virtual reality (VR), which is set to revolutionize education by enhancing immersive learning experiences. These advancements follow the digital transformation initiated by computers and virtual learning platforms, which connect learners worldwide. The integration of AI and VR tools holds immense potential to further transform learning, particularly in the corporate sector, where gamification and simulations have been employed to bridge the gap in practical skills. These technologies offer hands-on experiences that closely mimic real-world scenarios, crucial for fields like health sciences, defense, and aviation, where simulations have long been used to train professionals safely. While challenges such as cost remain, the future of education will undoubtedly involve more immersive learning experiences, helping learners to not only understand but also apply their knowledge in realistic settings.

The Evolution and Future of Immersive Technologies


Saurav Bhaik discussed the complexity and evolving nature of immersive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR). He noted that while many talk about these technologies, few truly understand them. AR integrates 3D objects into the real world, as seen with Snapchat filters, while VR immerses users in entirely different environments through headsets. MR combines elements of both, allowing users to interact with virtual and real-world elements simultaneously. Bhaik highlighted the challenges in VR, such as discomfort and limited usage time, which companies like Oculus and Apple are addressing through hardware innovations. He observed significant advancements from early devices like Google Cardboard to sophisticated products like the Apple Video Pro, predicting that in 5-10 years, these technologies will become more user-friendly and widely adopted. He emphasized the importance of further technological refinement and affordability for mass adoption, envisioning a future where immersive technologies are seamlessly integrated into everyday life.

Overcoming Educational Challenges with Technology

Saurav Bhaik further discussed that Education faces significant challenges in accessibility, particularly when limited to institutional settings. Our approach aims to democratize education, making it accessible to individuals by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). We have successfully applied these technologies in various projects, such as the Prime Minister Museum and museums at Rakhigarhi and Nalanda, recreating historical experiences in immersive ways. The goal is to eventually make these technologies as affordable as smartphones, enabling widespread use as educational tools. As we move towards a Web 3.0 environment, where digital experiences are seamlessly integrated into daily life, the potential for these tools to revolutionize learning grows. The future will likely see more accessible and affordable digital infrastructure, with early adopters and creators gaining significant advantages in this evolving landscape.


Challenges in Implementing Immersive Learning Technologies

Aditi Jain further spoke about the different challenges The implementation of immersive learning technologies in organizations presents several challenges, with cost being a primary concern. The high expense of acquiring advanced hardware, particularly in the private and corporate sectors, limits accessibility. Additionally, creating relevant and up-to-date content tailored to an organization's specific needs is another significant challenge. This gap underscores the need for new educational streams and skill-building initiatives. Furthermore, while many organizations strive to incorporate practical, hands-on learning approaches, the adoption of advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) remains limited due to costs and accessibility issues. Another crucial aspect to consider is data privacy. As immersive technologies become more prevalent, there is a growing need for regulations to protect learners' data and prevent unauthorized access or misuse. Therefore, collaboration among regulators, technologists, and policymakers is essential to establish guidelines that ensure the ethical and secure use of these technologies.

The Need for Cybersecurity and Regulation in the Metaverse


Saurav Bhaik spoke about the need for cybersecurity and regulation in the Metaverse and mentioned that Cybersecurity has become a critical concern, especially as digital personas and the metaverse gain prominence. The digital space is an open world where anyone can assume any identity, raising significant challenges. As we discussed earlier, this openness extends to training, education, and the workforce, highlighting the need for robust security measures. The rise of the metaverse has brought issues like online abuse and harassment to the forefront, often under the guise of anonymity. This anonymity can lead to harmful behaviors, as seen with the troubling reports of abuse within virtual environments. As the adoption of digital platforms increases, so does the urgency for regulations and safeguards. It's crucial to establish mechanisms that link digital identities to real-world accountability, ensuring responsible online behavior. This growing problem underscores the need for comprehensive regulations and oversight to protect individuals and maintain a safe digital environment.

The Future of Tech & Learning: Aditi & Saurav's Vision

In an engaging session, Aditi and Saurav shared insights on the future of technology and immersive learning. They discussed the idea that while certain technologies may not be available now, they could become more accessible and affordable in the next 5 to 10 years. Aditi described a vision of a future where everything is light, affordable, and seamlessly integrated, eliminating the need to carry physical devices like phones. Saurav shared examples from their work with NACIN, a national academy for narcotics and indirect access, where they train officers using advanced scanning technologies to identify suspects. He emphasized the importance of privacy considerations in this context. Aditi added that immersive learning technologies, such as 3D simulations, are already being used to enhance global training programs, overcoming the challenges of geographical separation and limited attention spans. She envisioned a future where digital personas allow people to collaborate in a virtual space, feeling as if they are together in person, which would be a significant leap forward for corporate training and global communication.


The Evolution and Impact of AI in Content Creation and HR Practices

Saurav Bhaik further discussed about Impact of AI on Content Creation and HR Practices and said, that AI is rapidly evolving, significantly transforming various sectors, including content creation and HR practices. By leveraging AI technologies, such as large language models and holograms, innovative solutions are being developed to enhance user engagement and experience. For instance, at the Gita Museum in Gujarat, AI has been used to create a hologram of Lord Krishna, allowing visitors to engage in conversations based on the Bhagavad Gita. This application showcases how AI can interpret religious texts to provide answers to philosophical questions, demonstrating its potential in content creation and education.

Moreover, AI is being utilized to develop personalized learning experiences and HR solutions. AI-powered bots are being employed to answer HR queries, provide information about employee benefits, and assist in creating personalized learning paths. These bots can tailor educational content to individual learning styles, such as auditory, visual, or kinesthetic, and adapt to the learner's pace and preferences. This personalized approach not only enhances the learning experience but also helps in addressing specific knowledge gaps.


In addition to content creation, Aditi mentioned that AI is being integrated into corporate services to streamline processes and improve efficiency. For example, virtual HR heads powered by AI can provide consistent and unbiased responses to employees' questions, ensuring clear communication and support. This integration of AI into HR practices highlights its role in transforming traditional business processes, making them more efficient and responsive to individual needs.

Overall, AI's impact on content creation and HR practices is profound, offering innovative solutions that enhance user engagement, personalization, and operational efficiency. As AI continues to evolve, its applications in various fields are expected to expand, providing even more opportunities for innovation and growth.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Application for Immersive Learning


Further Aditi and Saurav mentioned a key feature they appreciated about immersive learning was its potential to prepare individuals for the future. They emphasized the importance of carefully selecting the right application for immersive technologies. While the allure of VR and immersive experiences can be tempting, it is crucial to ensure that the technology is applied where it is genuinely beneficial. Aditi and Saurav highlighted that not all scenarios require immersive technology; its use should be deliberate and thoughtfully integrated, particularly in fields like STEM education, language skills, and practical hands-on learning environments. They stressed that the effectiveness of immersive learning depends on choosing applications that truly benefit from such technology. This careful selection not only enhances the learning experience but also ensures that individuals are better prepared and equipped to handle real-world challenges, such as making important business pitches or navigating complex situations.
