EMC Corporation announced the EMC MyService360 service-centric cloud-based dashboard, providing near real-time visibility into the status and health of a customer’s EMC data center environment. Supporting hundreds of EMC products, MyService360 provides customers with a highly visual and personalized online capability that consolidates proactive monitoring of EMC systems deployed across a customer’s global enterprise. Available at no additional cost to customers with an EMC warranty or maintenance agreement, the cloud-based service is designed to help IT teams increase risk-readiness and respond with speed and accuracy when fulfilling IT service requests or diagnosing potential issues.
Built on top of a secure, cloud-based EMC Internal Data Lake, MyService360 is designed to modernize the service and support experience for the enterprise. EMC’s Internal Data Lake leverages modern infrastructure using EMC Storage and converged platforms including Isilon, XtremIO and VCE VxRack System 1000 with FLEX Nodes, VMware, Greenplum, Pivotal Cloud Foundry and third-party technology to deliver powerful analytics and data-driven visualizations designed to help enable customers to make well-informed IT decisions.
As a one-stop-shop for personalized, actionable insights about their products, service levels, and support, EMC is simplifying data center operations and the customer service experience. MyService360 is best experienced when the customer’s systems are connected through EMC Secure Remote Services Virtual Edition (ESRS v3) – a two-way remote connection between EMC Customer Service and EMC products or solutions, enabling customers to interact with real-time data.
Accessible to customers via EMC Online Support, MyService360 provides the following:
· Health and Risk Scoring – Displays proactive and predictive system health indicators to identify areas that may be at risk, giving IT ample time to prioritize actions and react accordingly.
· Code Levels – Analyzes the percentage of the global install base that is up to code, providing the ability to drill down into specific systems to determine what systems are due for code upgrades.
· Actionable Service Insights – Allows EMC customers to review IT service activities across their enterprise with the ability to dive into specific sites to understand what needs attention and the type of action required.
· Connectivity Status – Displays what percentage of the install base is remotely connected to EMC Customer Service so customers can take action to get remaining systems connected.
· Incident Management – Taps into proactive data to identify analytical trends on service incidents.
Replacing the ‘My Support’ tab of EMC Online Support, MyService360 is available immediately.
Mario Becerril, Middleware and Storage Manager, Telefonica Moviles Mexico
“MyService360 provides the information we need to proactively resolve potential issues. We are able to quickly view important data about the overall health of our environment and drill down for more detail. MyService360 is a great example of EMC staying ahead of the game and why we stay with EMC.”
“We need to maintain 99 percent availability to host our customers’ mission-critical CRM operations. The MyService360 Dashboard makes it easy to find and drill down to the details we need to support both our infrastructure engineering and production management efforts.”
Rob Brothers, Program VP Software & Hardware Support and Deploy Services, IDC
“The complexity of today’s data center requires careful attention and consideration to manage the pressure businesses are placing on IT organizations. Visibility into the data center and the ability to analyze what’s going on through more preventative and prescriptive tools allows for better informed decisions which is incredibly valuable to IT managers. According to IDC, research enterprises are utilizing proactive services more often than on-site support which leads to issues getting resolved faster or preventing them all together. MyService360 simplifies service and support, which is proof that EMC is committed to providing its customers with an enhanced customer experience.”
Kevin Roche, President, Global Services, EMC Corporation
“MyService360 is just one example of EMC’s commitment to delivering the best possible experience to our customers. Utilizing big data analytics we are able to offer this new service-centric online dashboard providing visibility into the health and wellness of our customer’s EMC environment, vastly simplifying their operations through personalized, proactive and predictive information.”