
Combined Skills in Cloud Computing and DevOps can make one a Master of Development and Operations

Shrikanth G
New Update

Vineet Chaturvedi, Co-Founder, Edureka in an interview to Dataquest talks about the hottest job related skills for 2018. Excerpts:


Q. The Digital Disruption coupled with automation has completely changed the nature of tech skills required for today’s ICT jobs – as an organization how are you coping with sourcing the right skills?

Besides IT and information services, rising ICT intensity will increase demand for these professionals namely in e-commerce, financial services (where the further growth of web-based services and data exploration is expected) and in real estate besides scientific and technical activities. Digitalization will also invite more ICT professionals to manufacturing, education and healthcare industry.

ICT professionals are a highly skilled talent pool. The penetration of ICT across business processes, products and services will sustain the trend for high qualification requirement among these professionals as long as 2025. ICT is a general purpose technology and hence, changes and disruptions in the economy can have a significant influence on the future skill demands for professionals employed in this industry.


Further, digitization of economy coupled with automation will boost demand for people with deep knowledge of multiple sectors, who are able to develop efficient, custom-based ICT solutions for any company/organizations, from healthcare-providers and to farms and logistics ones.

Q. What are some interesting job-related trends to surface in 2018?

  • Big Data trend will lead an increasing demand for strong data analytics skills along with skills for scaling and managing the data for enterprises. New job prospects as Data Scientists, Data Managers, and Chief Data Officers will emerge
  • The shift towards cloud computing will need experts on service integration, service management, designing and managing clouds, besides building and optimizing cloud data centers. Combined skills in Cloud Computing and DevOps can make one a Master of Development and Operations. A potent combination, skilling in both these technologies will give technology professionals an immense advantage and a lucrative career path.
  • With more investment in advanced robots, virtual personal assistants, autonomous vehicles and smart home hubs, the demand for Deep Learning expert and professionals who can program machines to think, analyze and take decisions i.e. Robotic Process Automation and ArtificiaI Intelligence and Blockchain skills will be in high demand.
  • IoT will drive the demand for an understanding of standardization and interoperability between connected and to-be-connected systems. IoT developers, IoT solution architect, and IoT product managers will be the new leading positions. It’s important to have expertise on the most popular tools under this technology i.e. Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Python Azure IoT Hub & Azure Storage Google’s IoT core device manager

Hence, sourcing the below top trending technologies will help to boost the ICT industry growth to a great extent:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Blockchain
  3. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
  4. Cloud Computing and DevOps
  5. Internet of Things (IoT)
  6. Intelligent Apps (I – Apps)
  7. Big Data
  8. RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
  9. Data Science
cloud-computing big-data iot data-centers devops