Cisco announced new offerings to embed security throughout the extended network - from the data center out to endpoints, branch offices, and the cloud - for pervasive threat visibility and control. By integrating security everywhere, enterprises and service providers gain the ability to deliver the threat-centric security requirements demanded by today's dynamic threat landscape and capture
emerging business opportunities created by the rise of the Digital Economy and the Internet of Everything (IoE).
The IoE market is expected to generate $19-trillion in value to organizations over the next decade, and represents a $1.7-trillion opportunity to service providers (Cisco Consulting Services, 2013). Additionally, according to the 2015 Cisco Visual Networking Index(tm) (VNI) Forecast, the number of IP-connected personal devices and M2M connections online will grow from 14 billion in 2014 to more than 24 billion by 2019. However, cybercrime is simultaneously becoming increasingly sophisticated and industrialized such that the financial opportunity for cybercriminals also is rising and valued at an estimated $450-billion to $1-trillion (Cybersecurity: Assessing Our Vulnerabilities and Developing an Effective Response, Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation, U.S. Senate, March 19, 2009).
To minimize the complexity of managing security across a distributed organization and to increase threat visibility into the farthest reaches of the enterprise and global service provider infrastructures, Cisco is embedding security throughout the extended network. Cisco is adding more sensors to increase visibility; more control points to strengthen enforcement; and pervasive, advanced threat protection to reduce time-to-detection and time-to-response, limiting the impact of attacks. With security everywhere, Cisco provides scalable threat protection covering the broadest range of attack vectors and throughout the entire attack continuum - before, during and after an attack.