
Quantum Race Against Cyber Threats: Are We Ready?

The article explores the threats posed by quantum computers and the emerging quantum-resistant solutions, such as post-quantum cryptography, quantum key distribution, and quantum random number generation.

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Global Perspective


As the quantum era approaches, quantum security technologies are transforming how we protect data, addressing the serious threats posed by powerful quantum computers. In this article, we explore how these advancements are reshaping cybersecurity and why quantum-resistant solutions are crucial in today's increasingly digital world.

The Basics of Quantum Information Systems (QIS)

Quantum Information Systems (QIS) consist of three main domains: quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum encryption, all of which utilize the principles of quantum mechanics to enhance information processing and security.


Quantum Computing

Quantum computers work differently from traditional computers. While classical computers use bits (0s and 1s), quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in multiple states at once due to a property called superposition. This allows quantum computers to perform complex calculations much faster than traditional computers.

Quantum Sensing


Quantum sensing leverages quantum phenomena to achieve incredibly precise measurements. This technology is important for fields like navigation and medical diagnostics, where high accuracy is critical.

Quantum Encryption

Quantum encryption, especially through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), offers secure communication. QKD uses quantum mechanics to detect eavesdroppers during data transmission, ensuring that any attempt to intercept data is immediately identified.


Quantum Computing’s Threat to Cybersecurity

Quantum computing poses a major risk to current encryption methods. Traditional encryption algorithms, like RSA, which rely on factoring large numbers, are vulnerable to quantum computers. Shor’s algorithm enables quantum systems to crack these encryptions much faster than classical computers can.

Quantum Attacks and Their Consequences


• Data Vulnerability: Quantum computers could expose sensitive information such as military intelligence, financial data, and intellectual property.

• Recent Breakthroughs: In 2023, researchers in China used a 372-qubit quantum computer to break a 2048-bit RSA encryption—an alarming development for the future of data security.

• Economic Impact: The Hudson Institute estimates that a successful quantum attack on the U.S. financial sector could cost the economy around $3.3 trillion, with GDP dropping by 10-17%.


Defending Against Quantum Threats: Quantum-Resistant Solutions

To combat the looming dangers of quantum attacks, researchers are developing quantum-resistant solutions to safeguard data.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)


Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) refers to algorithms designed to withstand quantum attacks. These algorithms use new mathematical principles that even quantum computers struggle to break.

• NIST Standardization: In 2024, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its first three PQC standards to address future quantum threats.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

QKD enables secure key sharing based on the principles of quantum mechanics.

• Recent Advances: Chinese researchers achieved a 1,002 km distance record for QKD communication, highlighting progress in securing data, though large-scale implementation still faces challenges like infrastructure and signal degradation.

 Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG)

QRNG uses quantum phenomena to generate truly random numbers, which are crucial for creating secure cryptographic keys. These random keys are difficult to predict and make encryption stronger.

The Growing Threat of “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later”

A key cybersecurity concern is the "harvest now, decrypt later" strategy, where hackers collect encrypted data today, planning to decrypt it in the future when more powerful quantum computers are available.

• Sensitive Data at Risk: Hackers could target military secrets, national infrastructure designs, banking information, and AI data repositories, intending to decrypt this data once quantum computing advances.

The Global Race for Quantum Supremacy

Nations around the world are racing to achieve quantum supremacy—leading the field in quantum technology development.

• China's Investments: China has invested over $15 billion in quantum technology, including creating a hack-proof quantum communication network.

• U.S. Initiatives: In 2022, the U.S. passed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Preparedness Act, mandating government agencies to transition to quantum-resistant encryption by 2035.

Combining Strategies for Stronger Security

The future of cybersecurity will likely involve combining different quantum technologies to create a robust defense system.

Hybrid Solutions

Merging NIST’s PQC algorithms with QKD offers a powerful defense against both current and future cyber threats.

• One-Time Pads (OTPs): Previously seen as impractical due to long key requirements, OTPs paired with QRNG could provide an unbreakable encryption solution.

• Industry Collaborations: Leading firms, such as Safe Quantum, are pushing for integrating QKD with PQC algorithms to protect against the growing "harvest now, decrypt later" threat.

As we enter the quantum era, adopting quantum-resistant cybersecurity measures is critical. The rapid advancement of quantum computing means that traditional encryption methods may soon become obsolete. Moving toward post-quantum cryptography and other quantum-secure technologies is essential to protecting sensitive data in industries ranging from finance to national security.

Proactive steps taken today will help mitigate the risks posed by tomorrow’s quantum systems, paving the way for a more secure digital future.

(Indian Perspective)

With the rise of quantum computing, India is now at the forefront of a new technological revolution. Quantum security technologies are transforming cybersecurity, ensuring that data is protected from the potential threats posed by these powerful machines. This article explores the role of quantum security in reshaping India’s cybersecurity landscape and the urgent need for quantum-resistant solutions in our increasingly digital society.

The Basics of Quantum Information Systems (QIS)

Quantum Information Systems (QIS) include three key domains: quantum computing, quantum sensing, and quantum encryption, all of which are based on the principles of quantum mechanics and offer immense potential for securing sensitive information.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computers operate differently from traditional ones. Instead of relying on bits, quantum computers use qubits that can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to a property called superposition. This allows quantum computers to process vast amounts of information and solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical systems.

Quantum Sensing

Quantum sensing is used to measure physical quantities with extreme precision, offering groundbreaking applications in sectors like medical diagnostics, defence, and space exploration—industries critical to India's national growth and security.

Quantum Encryption

Quantum encryption, especially through Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), is a highly secure way of exchanging encryption keys. QKD ensures that any attempt to eavesdrop on data will be immediately detected, offering a promising solution to protect sensitive communications in defence, finance, and governance.

The Threat of Quantum Computing to India's Cybersecurity

Quantum computing poses a significant risk to current encryption standards, many of which are used by India’s banking, healthcare, and national security sectors. The encryption algorithms we rely on today, such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), are vulnerable to quantum attacks through Shor’s algorithm, which can quickly break traditional cryptographic keys.

Quantum Attacks and Their Consequences for India

• Data Vulnerability: Critical sectors like nuclear energy, financial institutions, and government agencies could see their data compromised if quantum attacks succeed.

• Recent Breakthroughs: In 2023, Chinese researchers demonstrated that a quantum computer could break a 2048-bit RSA encryption. This kind of development stresses the urgency for India to prepare for quantum threats.

• Economic Impact: A quantum cyberattack on India’s financial sector could cause widespread disruptions, with potential economic losses reaching billions of rupees. Protecting India’s growing digital economy from quantum threats is now a matter of national security.

India’s Response to Quantum Threats: Quantum-Resistant Solutions

To safeguard its digital infrastructure, India is investing in quantum-resistant technologies that can withstand the power of quantum computers.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) involves new cryptographic algorithms that can resist quantum attacks. Unlike traditional algorithms, PQC is designed to be secure even when quantum computers become more powerful.

• NIST Standardization: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is working on international standards for PQC. India, through its National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications (NM-QTA), is actively contributing to these global efforts, ensuring that Indian cryptography remains secure against future quantum threats.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

QKD offers a theoretically unbreakable method of securely distributing encryption keys.

• Recent Indian Developments: In 2021, India successfully demonstrated its first quantum communication link between two cities, paving the way for larger-scale QKD implementations across the country. This development is crucial for sectors such as defence, where secure communication is paramount.

Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG)

QRNG uses quantum phenomena to generate genuinely random numbers, which are critical for creating secure encryption keys. This ensures that the keys are truly unpredictable and resistant to potential attacks, including those from quantum computers.

The Growing Threat of "Harvest Now, Decrypt Later" in India

One of the biggest cybersecurity concerns for India is the “harvest now, decrypt later” strategy, where hackers collect encrypted data today with the intention of decrypting it in the future, once quantum computers are more advanced.

• Data Types at Risk: In India, critical infrastructure such as railways, telecom, defence projects, financial transactions, and personal healthcare records could be at risk if not secured against future quantum attacks.

India's Role in the Global Quantum Race

India is actively participating in the global race for quantum supremacy. The country has made significant investments in quantum technology, recognizing its importance for economic growth, cybersecurity, and defence.

• India’s National Mission on Quantum Technologies: Launched in 2020, the mission has allocated ₹8,000 crore over five years to advance quantum research and development. This is in line with global efforts by countries like China and the United States, ensuring that India remains competitive in this rapidly evolving field.

• Strategic Defence Initiatives: In partnership with ISRO and DRDO, India is working on building quantum communication networks to secure its defence and satellite systems against potential quantum threats. 

Combining Strategies for Enhanced Quantum Security in India

India’s most effective defence against quantum threats will likely come from a combination of quantum technologies and post-quantum cryptography.

Hybrid Solutions

Merging NIST’s PQC algorithms with Quantum Key Distribution can create robust security frameworks to protect against both classical and quantum-based cyberattacks.

• One-Time Pads (OTPs): Previously impractical due to the length of keys, OTPs combined with QRNG offer a potentially unbreakable security system, perfect for applications in sectors like national defence and banking.

• Public-Private Collaborations: India's IT sector, including giants like Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys, are actively collaborating with academic institutions to integrate QKD and PQC technologies into cybersecurity frameworks, ensuring the country’s digital assets are secure.


As India stands on the cusp of a quantum revolution, quantum security is no longer a future concern—it is a present necessity. The move toward quantum-resistant cryptography and other quantum-secure technologies is essential to protect India’s growing digital economy and critical sectors like defence, finance, and healthcare.

Proactive investments and strategic partnerships in quantum technologies will ensure that India remains a secure and competitive player on the global stage. By embracing quantum security solutions today, India can safeguard its data and digital infrastructure against the quantum threats of tomorrow.

By Naveen Garg, Cybersecurity Reliability Engineer at Akamai Technologies
