
AI-Powered Data Breaches becoming Growing Threat for Businesses

A new Cloudflare survey reveals that 93% of cybersecurity leaders in India are worried about AI-driven cyber threats increasing the sophistication and severity of data breaches.

Aanchal Ghatak
Updated On
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Data Breaches

The rapidly evolving digital landscape in India is facing an alarming new threat—AI-powered data breaches. A recent survey by Cloudflare, Inc., a leading connectivity cloud company, highlights that 93% of cybersecurity leaders in India are concerned about the increasing sophistication and severity of data breaches driven by artificial intelligence (AI).


The survey, part of Cloudflare's report titled “Navigating the New Security Landscape: Asia Pacific Cybersecurity Readiness Survey,” underscores the growing challenges organizations face in managing cyber threats, particularly as AI continues to evolve and shape the cyber threat landscape.

Escalating AI-Driven Breaches

The survey's findings are a wake-up call for Indian businesses, revealing that more than half (55%) of the surveyed organizations experienced data breaches in the past year, with 52% reporting 11 or more breaches. The industries most affected by these breaches include Healthcare (69%), Transportation (67%), and Business and Professional Services (62%).


Notably, threat actors frequently targeted customer data (37%), user access credentials (15%), and financial data (14%), demonstrating a clear intent to exploit valuable and sensitive information.

The rising concern stems from the fact that AI is not only automating and accelerating cyberattacks but also making them more sophisticated. AI enables threat actors to quickly identify vulnerabilities, create more convincing phishing campaigns, and develop advanced malware that can evade detection.

For instance, AI-driven tools can manipulate large datasets to find patterns and predict weaknesses, making traditional cybersecurity measures less effective. This dynamic puts organizations in a difficult position as they attempt to safeguard their data and infrastructure from increasingly intelligent threats.


The Ransomware Challenge

Another critical issue highlighted by the survey is the persistence of ransomware as a significant concern. Alarmingly, 84% of organizations that experienced ransomware attacks in the last two years paid the ransom, despite 89% of these organizations publicly pledging not to do so.

This discrepancy between policy and practice suggests that the crippling impact of ransomware often leaves businesses with little choice but to comply with attackers’ demands. 


Compromised Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or Virtual Private Network (VPN) servers were identified as the most common points of entry, accounting for 55% of attacks.

The reluctance to adhere to no-payment policies reflects the harsh reality many organizations face. The financial and operational disruption caused by ransomware attacks can be devastating, especially for industries handling critical infrastructure and sensitive data, such as healthcare and transportation. This scenario indicates a need for a more robust strategy encompassing both advanced preventive measures and efficient recovery plans.

The Cost of Compliance and Regulation


In response to these growing threats, organizations are increasingly focusing on regulation and compliance as crucial components of their cybersecurity strategy. According to the Cloudflare survey, 52% of respondents indicated that they allocate more than 5% of their IT budget to regulatory and compliance requirements.

Moreover, 59% of respondents reported spending more than 10% of their work week ensuring adherence to industry regulations and certifications.

While this investment represents a significant allocation of resources, it appears to be yielding positive results. Improved integrity of organizational technology and data (63%), enhanced privacy and security levels (61%), and better reputation and brand value (59%) were cited as benefits of this investment. It indicates that a focus on compliance not only helps meet regulatory requirements but also serves as a proactive approach to strengthening an organization’s overall cybersecurity posture.


Cybersecurity Spending: A Strategic Priority

Defending against the evolving threat landscape has become a top priority for Indian organizations, with 80% of survey respondents revealing that more than 10% of their IT budget is allocated to cybersecurity.

However, while increased spending is a positive step, it must be complemented by a strategic approach that involves continuous reassessment of tools, resources, and methodologies.


As Anjali Joneja Amar, Vice President of India and SAARC at Cloudflare, points out, “In today's landscape, cyberattacks hit every level of an organization, putting security leaders under intense pressure and scrutiny. With limited resources and increasingly complex IT environments, the challenges are growing.”

The focus, therefore, should not only be on increasing budget allocations but also on ensuring that the right technologies, skilled talent, and adaptive strategies are in place to counter sophisticated AI-driven attacks. Cybersecurity leaders must be vigilant in adopting AI-powered defenses that can anticipate, detect, and neutralize AI-enabled threats before they cause substantial damage.

A Call to Action for Indian Businesses

The Cloudflare survey paints a concerning picture of the cybersecurity landscape in India, where AI-powered threats are on the rise. To counter this growing menace, businesses must rethink their cybersecurity strategies.

This involves a holistic approach that includes investing in cutting-edge technologies, prioritizing regulatory compliance, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation among cybersecurity teams.

AI is both a threat and an opportunity. While it poses new risks, it also offers powerful tools that can help organizations stay ahead of cyber adversaries. Indian businesses must leverage AI to build resilient cybersecurity frameworks that not only defend against current threats but are also adaptable to future challenges in this ever-evolving landscape
