
Amazon Invites Applications for Free Courses on Artificial Intelligence 

Those interested in Amazon free courses can find the introductory generative AI training and CodeWhisperer introduction

Preeti Anand
New Update

Amazon, the US-based internet giant, has announced that it would offer free educational courses on generative AI as part of its 'AI Ready' project, which aims to deliver free artificial intelligence skills training to two million individuals worldwide by 2025. The company is launching three activities to attain this goal. Amazon stresses the significant demand for AI expertise, claiming that individuals with AI skills can earn up to 47% more in salary.


Amazon Offers New free AI and generative AI courses

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Generative AI Scholarship grants access to a new generative AI course on Udacity to over 50,000 high school and university students worldwide.
  • A new relationship with has been formed to assist students in learning about generative AI.

Those interested in Amazon free courses can find the introductory generative AI training and CodeWhisperer introduction on the AWS Educate website. The remaining free classes, including how to utilise Amazon's Transcribe speech-to-text generator, may be found on the AWS Skill Builder website.

  • Amazon will offer seminars for developers and technical audiences on the fundamentals of prompt engineering, low-code machine learning on AWS, constructing LLms on AWS, and building generative AI apps using Amazon Bedrock, according to the company.
  • Amazon is introducing AI Ready to assist anyone who wants to learn about AI and capitalise on the enormous opportunity ahead. According to the e-commerce giant, these initiatives are intended to provide chances for both current employees and future generations.

According to Amazon, the demand for AI talent is expanding, and organisations are willing to pay higher wages for people with the skills.

  • Amazon's "AI Ready" effort is a global program that aims to train 2 million people in AI capabilities for free by 2025. For students and working professionals, the program provides online courses and hands-on learning experiences. The program aims to promote access to AI capabilities and assist people in preparing for the future of employment.

Who will profit from the Amazon AI Ready initiative?

The AI Ready program is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about AI or improve their existing AI skills. The program is beneficial for:

Students: High school and university students can use the program to build a foundation in artificial intelligence and prepare for professions in the field.


Working professionals can use the program to learn new skills and stay competitive in the job market if they want to transition into AI-related employment or upskill in their existing jobs.

Individuals without AI experience: The program also provides courses for those without AI experience. These courses provide an overview of AI principles and technologies.

How to Begin with the Amazon AI Ready Program


To start with the AI Ready program, go to the Amazon AI Ready website and sign up for an account. You can browse the course catalogue and enrol in any courses that interest you once you have created an account. Because the classes are self-paced, you can learn at your own pace.

You can join the AI Ready community to connect with other learners and discuss your progress in addition to taking courses. Additionally, the community provides several tools, such as webinars, workshops, and career counselling. You may get the skills you need to prepare for the future of work and make a meaningful contribution to the field of AI by participating in the AI Ready program.
